Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.


Travel has become a huge part of my life over the years. I have taken the way of the digital nomad due to the nature of my work and my never ending desire to keep moving. At the height of my work travel, I was spending about 300+ days per year on the road. Mostly because my work is event related which means that I must go where the events are taking place. With age, new chapters of life, new additions and a relocation, that number has gone down significantly and for that I am grateful. I’ve created the habit of taking a part of the year to head overseas where I seek exploration, discovery, perspective, relaxation and an annual life reset. This keeps things fresh and exciting for me and makes for a beautiful balance that feels healthy and nurturing. The questions I receive most is, "when are you going to settle down?" or "when are you going to stay in one place?” and most often these types of questions come from those living the conventional lifestyle.

We have planted some roots in Austin, TX and we feel that having a base is equally important with being able to get away and explore.

Potential Destinations:  2023



Other Posts Coming Soon:

Hungary Budapest - Austria Vienna- Italy Rome, Montepulciano, Florence, Milan - Japan Tokyo - Colombia Bogotá, Guatapé, Medellin - Greece Athens, Santorini - Czech Republic Prague - Vatican - New Zealand Christchurch, Hobbiton, Auckland - Iceland Reykjavik - Germany Munich - France Paris - Spain Madrid, Barcelona - Turks & Caicos Providenciales - United Arab Emirates Dubai - Denmark Copenhagen - Netherlands Amsterdam - Sweden Stockholm, Abisko - Turkey Istanbul, Cappadocia - Egypt Cairo - Ethiopia Addis Ababa - Kenya Nairobi - Tanzania Zanzibar - South Africa Capetown - United Kingdom London - Canada Vancouver, Toronto - The Bahamas - Taiwan Taipei 


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